Place to visit in Dubai: Ten Fun Facts Virtually Dubai

Well, it’s genuinely hard to write this postal service since likewise many angles as well as non bad shoots I guide to guide nearly this cleanest as well as tidiest metropolis I’ve ever visit. My brusk trip to Dubai ii months agone was splendid!  Even though 4 days is a real brusk fourth dimension to explore a city, but I withal bask this ane of world’s most expensive cities to live. Just FYI, My daily activities inwards Dubai was packed amongst nutrient testing schedule, therefore I didn’t guide much fourth dimension to see their tourist attractions except their Burj Al Arab as well as Burj Al Khalifa, it’s exceptional when you lot see Dubai hahaha…

I stayed 4 nights at Sheraton Hotel Mall of the Emirates which left me funny & unforgettable experience regarding their bath amenities. Short to say, I amazed amongst this four-star hotel amongst non bad hospitality but hi something incorrect amongst their bath amenities, I didn’t discovery whatsoever toothbrush as well as paste. CMIIW, based on my staying experience, inwards most of the 3 to 5 hotels the bath amenities are included amongst toothbrush as well as paste, right? That funny facts irritating me since I forgot to convey my ain toothpaste hahaha…so subsequently dumb-searching-for-damn-toothpaste inwards all the drawers, I gave up! I asked some other friend’s room as well as they said the same. No toothbrush as well as toothpaste. Yaiks! So, I ended upwards buying freakin expensive toothpaste inwards this freakin expensive city!!

Hahaha, that’s ane of funny as well as shocking moments I experienced inwards Dubai. I’m gonna portion to a greater extent than funny facts nearly Dubai inwards this post. Hopefully, this 10 facts volition assist you lot to laid everything carefully earlier you lot go to Dubai. Don’t worry. Don’t teach shock. Just bask every 2nd since trust me ane time you lot brand it inwards Dubai you’ll realize that you’ll hoping to alive forever inwards that city. So, bask these 10 Funny Facts nearly Dubai!

1. Dubai is Never Not Hot

Dubai without a dubiety is HOTSPOT, literally! Their warm flavour is final from May to September amongst July as well as August go the hottest months.  No wonder when I visited Dubai at September, the temperature was 38°C to the highest 41°C. Holy moly! I didn’t bother nearly the heat, but what makes me experience awful was their humidity. In September, the humidity tin driblet to around 90% amongst no wind, no rainfall. Gosh, I it’s fifty-fifty hotter than the Komodo Island I visited final twelvemonth aaaandd I couldn’t have on bikini or shorts on that freakin sunny city! Indeed, I wasn’t realize that Dubai volition gonna hold upwards that humid therefore I only bringing my long jeans amongst some cotton wool blouses as well as when I strolling around the metropolis amongst that clothes, it’s literally WRONG! I was sweating, therefore much sweating similar I’m inwards the sauna room. Whooossah, no wonder inwards Dubai, most of the solid as well as the hotels guide a refrigerated shower. Yup, non only ordinary hot as well as mutual frigidity H2O but refrigerated water. It’s freezing my torso genuinely but it’s assist me therefore much subsequently sweating around the metropolis hahaha.

Tips: Bring ever your sunscreen, I propose convey the spray ane since the lotion volition only gonna brand you lot getting stickier as well as of course of written report sunglasses or hats

2. No hot-pants, No tank top, No bikinis except you’re inwards the Beach

That’s made me experience wrongly dressed up. Before I went here, the commission told me that Dubai is therefore strict nearly the daily fashion. Shoulder to knees should hold upwards fully covered. Means no ane allowed to have on shorts or hot-pants nor tank go past times inwards the populace area. Well, inwards a agency it is, but it’s non inwards the most intimidating way. I saw some adult woman wearing top-knees bodycon, mini wearing clothing or sleeveless inwards the mall, spell the tourists also practise the same agency fifty-fifty they’re using tank go past times or backless wearing clothing but yeah amongst no hot-pants. I idea brusk pants are withal okay. And the bikinis are exclusively allowed at the beach area. Unlike some cities amongst opened upwards beach similar Bali where you lot tin have on bikinis or shirtless walking around the city.

(photo courtesy of Ivy's Life)

(I took this photograph within the Dubai Metro)

Tips: Wear opened upwards shoulder or brusk pants inwards mall or beach, but don't you lot dare to have on it inwards traditional marketplace or souk unless you're having unopen human relationship amongst the locals hahaha *kidding, only trying to have on wise as well as polite have on to honour the locals.

3. Traditional Clothing During Weekend

Still on Dubai's daily fashion, though most of the locals (Emirati people) alive inwards modern way, they withal appreciate their traditional cultures as well as values past times wearing their traditional have on inwards populace areas (e.g. malls) specially inwards the weekend when they're gathering amongst identify unit of measurement as well as friends. I saw these unique views when visited the Dubai Mall on the weekend. Lots of locals wearing traditional dress, the human are wearing the kandura, an ankle-length white shirt woven from wool or cotton wool spell the women wearing an abaya, a dark over-garment roofing most parts of the body. This civilisation are non exclusively applicable for the elderberry one, the immature people did it too. It's surprising likewise encounter that children as well as immature girls as well as boys gathering using kandura and abaya. I asked ane of the commission who've been living hither for 5 years; she said that it was their agency to appreciate their civilisation since they're young. Oh man, it's only irritating my feeling realizing the immature people inwards Republic of Indonesia is non that sort of teenagers. Look at the Jakarta's mall on the weekend, teenagers wearing hot-pants, tank top, or others trending fashion which sometimes made them aspect older than their ages. Huft, forgot it btw, the other unique things are the Emirati people assemble based on gender, human amongst human as well as adult woman amongst adult woman as well as zippo weird amongst that sort of situation. The moving-picture exhibit below are some views I saw at the Dubai Mall during weekend.

4. Malls opened upwards until 12AM daily

It's surprising to withdraw heed that malls hither opened upwards til late, literally midnight 12 AM! I was therefore happy since I remain inwards a hotel following to the Mall of Emirates therefore subsequently the long twenty-four hr menstruum of nutrient tasting, I withal could go straight to the mall as well as shopping til belatedly hahaha...

photo courtesy of Ivy's Life

Tips: Ensure you're familiar amongst the fourth dimension differentiation betwixt Dubai as well as your metropolis specially when it's to a greater extent than than 1 hours divergence similar my city, Jakarta. When I was strolling around the mall at nearly 10PM inwards Dubai, it was genuinely 01AM inwards Jakarta, therefore imagine you're shopping inwards the mid-night amongst sleepy caput ;-)

5. Self-service inwards Carrefour, Dubai

CMIIW, but I experienced it past times myself when I was shopping inwards the Carrefour at Mall of the Emirates. After the cashier calculated all of my groceries, she wasn't straight packed it. While I'm waiting for she to practise that, I saw her calculated the following order. I experience awkward as well as therefore I asked her "Is it complete miss?". Then she only respond amongst bulging eyes, 'Yes, it is, I'm waiting you lot to complete that!" spell pointing to the groceries handbag indirectly instructing me to pack my groceries past times myself. And oh that was shameful experience I've ever had hahaha...I saw people staring at me that moment. After I finish, I go on watching people inwards the other cashiers, good yeah some of them did the packing past times themselves but some did past times the cashier. I didn't know which ane applicable, the matter is that self-service is non applicable inwards Republic of Indonesia hehehe 

6. Their Fri is Our Sunday

Yes, their regular populace vacation falls on Fri daily, therefore if my Jakarta's weekend falls on Fri as well as Saturday, theirs would hold upwards Midweek as well as Thursday. No wonder you'll encounter the malls are fully packed as well as the restaurants volition hold upwards amount amongst waiting listing on that day.

7. Luxurious Cars Everywhere

My friend's who've been living for 5 years at Dubai said that the Government of Dubai is real rich because of their stone oil production. They're fifty-fifty inquire people as well as expatriates to alive inwards Dubai as well as the Government volition paid everything for him/her. I heard also at that spot are no taxes for luxury goods. So, don't wonder when you lot encounter luxurious cars from Ferrari, Aston Martin, Porsche, to Bentley strolling around the route anytime anywhere.

8. Home for Everything's Biggest, Tallest, bla bla - est!

It's already on the rumor, good inwards a agency it's not, when I visited Dubai it's all true. Dubai is a domicile for the TALLEST edifice inwards the world, I believe you lot knew already, the Burj Al Khalifa. Home for the BIGGEST hotel inwards the world, the 7-stars hotel, Burj Al Arab. Dubai also guide the BIGGEST shopping mall inwards the world, The Dubai Mall where within the mall you'll encounter the HIGHEST man-made waterfall ever amongst beautiful as well as artsy sculpture of flight human as well as the magnificent also the LARGEST indoor aquarium inwards the world! Gees, count how many fourth dimension I advert something amongst -EST hahaha...

The Burj Al Khalifa
The Burj Al Arab
the Man-Made Waterfall
The Largest Indoor Aquarium 

And only FYI, based on the data I got from ane of the eating seat managing director I sat together inwards P.F Chang's, Dubai is currently working on mega projection to create the BIGGEST FERRIS WHEEL inwards the globe defeating the worldwide tape of London Eye! Awesome huh! Look at the moving-picture exhibit below (I took from the outdoor expanse of P.F. Chang's at Jumeirah Beach Residence) it was the newly create man-made nation specially created for that projection as well as those cranes are currently working on that ferris wheel. It is estimated to complete around 2017. So, let's wishing we'll wing to Dubai again, someday. ;-)

9. No Alcohols Served

When I had dinner at P.F. Chang's, the staff offered me a drink, as well as therefore I asked for the recommended one. He said that their cocktails choices are the best. Before I said no  since I didn't potable alcohols, he directly repeated as well as explained that it does non genuinely incorporate alcohols, they only write ethically 'cocktails' since everybody know that alcohols in Dubai is strictly prohibited. I genuinely didn't teach whatsoever data why, instead of Dubai is ane of UAE's metropolis amongst most of the citizen is Muslim, the matter I know hotels as well as restaurants demand such a license to sell alcohol as well as that license is hardly to get.

10. Dubai Might Be So Expensive

In some ways, it is. Googling from several source Dubai is at nowadays the most expensive metropolis inwards the UAE as well as the 22nd most expensive metropolis to alive inwards the world. I experienced how expensive their central charge per unit of measurement when buying some nutrient as well as goods. For example, I bought sanitary napkins for my monthly menstruum at the drug store inwards Mall of the Emirates for about AED16 or IDR61,000 for 1 pack amongst exclusively 8 pieces. Holy expensive! you lot know inwards Djakarta you lot exclusively paid for AED3 or IDR8,000 for 1 pack of that things fifty-fifty incorporate 10 pieces. Oh God, I experience compassion to non laid for my unexpected monthly menstruum huhuhu...Other costs I idea overrated was the food. I had an H2O ice cream which is similar to, let's say, Cold Stone, inwards Jakarta, for nearly AED30 or IDR117K. Though the portion was quite big, I withal intend it's pricey. My friends also had the same experience. They pass nearly IDR500K for exclusively 4 cupcakes. Geeez! While most of the restaurants as well as cafes volition cost nearly AED70-120 for their primary courses as well as the average spending for ii would hold upwards around AED250. 

The most expensive H2O ice cream I've ever had inwards my life hahaha! 
(at Marble Slab Creamery, Mall of the Emirates)

You would cost nearly IDR132,000 for cheese cake similar this! 
(at Cheese Cake Factory, Mall of Emirates)

However, when I motion to the side of the city, I constitute some goods are cheaper than inwards malls. For instance souvenirs similar magnetic refrigerator or cardinal chains. In the Dubai Mall's souvenir shops as well as Carrefour those things would cost nearly AED20 per piece, but when I bought it inwards a traditional marketplace inwards Burjuman area, I exclusively paid for AED5 per piece! Well, that mightiness hold upwards applicable for most of the cities, if you lot desire to discovery something cheaper, go to their traditional marketplace non malls!

Tips: Ensure you lot cheque the cost as well as the central charge per unit of measurement every fourth dimension you lot purchase something. If possible surf on the network to discovery shops or restaurants amongst cheaper cost if you lot go amongst express budget. Pssst, remain tuned on my following postal service since I'm gonna portion you lot affordable places for shopping! 

Well, that's Dubai inwards my eyes. Though this metropolis is kinda expensive, I withal amaze amongst how tidy as well as create clean the metropolis is, how wonderful what they serve for the tourists as well as how memorable the 2nd I spent there. Stay tuned for my following postal service since I'm gonna portion you lot 5 Things To Do inwards Dubai therefore that if you lot exclusively guide express fourth dimension similar me, you lot tin withal bask the best of Dubai. 

Till the following post! 
